WE NEED YOUR SUPPORTWhy is the team so unbalanced? The reasons include where the women of color players live, their family finances, or downright discrimination at the elite and ODP level. The best travel teams are able to pay their coaches and support an itinerary that involves costly travel expenses. For women of color players of modest financial means, these expenses are virtually impossible to finance. OFF THE BENCH was founded in 1998. Our goals are to provide elite young women of color athletes with the opportunity - available to others in the country - to develop and play soccer in an environment that their skills and abilities warrant. We are a growing, developing organization, proud of what we have accomplished so far, and gratified that word of our goals has been spread through recognition in several publications, including the Raleigh News & Observer. But we have only begun to secure a rightful place for young women of color soccer players. If you are interested in becoming involved, e-mail Earlina Yoder at info@offthebench.org. We thank the Judy Foudy Sports Leadership Academy for their support.